terça-feira, janeiro 25, 2011

Entao vamos comecar o dia????

Ontem li um email que recebi com uma mensagem de Sarah Westphal, super importante para esse momento da minha vida e acredito que para muitos que eu conheco, portanto, adaptei o texto e o transmito a seguir:

Eu na Tunisia
Ainda pior que a convicção do não é a desilusão de um QUASE! É o quase que incomoda, que entristece, que agonia, trazendo tudo que poderia ter sido e não foi.

Quem quase ganhou ainda joga.

Quem quase passou ainda estuda.

Quem quase amou, NÃO AMOU!

Pergunto-me, as vezes, então o que levam as pessoas a escolher uma vida MORNA. Porque as pessoas apenas passam os dias, se acomodam, fazem aquilo que não as beneficiam todos os dias???? A resposta est’a estampada na distancia e na frieza dos sorrisos, na frouxidão dos abraços, na indiferença de um bom dia quase sussurrado – percebo agora que muitas vezes já fiz isso = (

Sobra covardia, preguiça e coragem ate para ser feliz!

Preferir a derrota previa a duvida da vitoria é desperdiçar a oportunidade de merecer. (isso tem tudo a ver com meu texto sobre meu medo de decepcionar – leia em postagens anteriores)

Mas a gente merece, se n’os mesmos não acharmos que merecemos, quem ir’a?




De nada adianta cercar um coração vazio ou economizar a alma!  esse aqui vai direto para mim, rsrs.

Não deixe que a saudade sufoque, que a rotina acomode, que o medo impeça de tentar! Desconfie do destino e acredite em você! (viu Taliza!?)

Gaste mais horas realizando do que sonhando, viajando do que planejando, vivendo do que esperando!!!!

Porque embora quem quase morreu ainda vive, quem quase vive já est’a morto!

BE THE CHANGE: a mensagem por si já diz as mudanças, porem a essência é simples: acredite que VOCE pode SE fazer TOTALMENTE feliz (não quase)! E você MERECE!

Taliza Weiss

domingo, janeiro 23, 2011

MOVIE OF THE WEEKEND: A good Year - Um bom ano - ein gutes jahr

A good year - Movie

So its the second time I've watched A Good Year and I confess I  had a different felling now that I'm watching it in German, european country, during the "depressing" winter (as it's called by  most of people)... it was actually much better!
The first time I didnt like it but today I just enjoyed the scenery, the music, the french country side - wine enviroment! LOL
But I gotta add some criticals from experts and my opinion about them. 

The New York Times review, Stephen Holden called it "an innocuous, feel-good movie," "a sun-dappled romantic diversion," and "a three-P movie: pleasant, pretty and predictable. . ."
--> MY OPINION:  True! The movie is pretty predictable but who likes to watch this type of movie dont really mind to know the end, they actually are looking for the felling during the scenes.

Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times observed, "The scenery may be attractive and the cast likewise, but something vital is missing in this all-too-leisurely film . . . [it] is one of those ever-popular movies in which impossibly rich people, clueless about what really matters, turn out to be incapable of enjoying the simple things in life . . . The fact that we know exactly what will happen to Max from the moment he appears on screen is not what's wrong with A Good Year. After all, we go to films like this precisely because the satisfaction of emotional certainty is what we're looking for. What we're not looking for is a romantic comedy made by individuals with no special feeling for the genre who stretch a half hour's worth of story to nearly two hours."--> MY OPINION:  This is the best critical cause really describes what you will get - the actors are very good, the scenery, music, photos can make you want to get a vacation somewhere like there but besides that and the fact you can predict the end, what does not make a "must to watch" movie is the fact that Russel Crowe dont really fits with the character and the genre and also you might want to take breaks cause it takes longer than should be.

The thing is: if you want to watch a movie just to rest, not think so much, have a pleasent moment of doing nothing and also like romantic comedies, then YES, go for it! Otherwise, you can find better options...
Even though I wouldnt miss a movie with Russel Crowe - he is just amazing!

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance and Adaptation
Running Time: 1 hr. 58 min.
Release Date: November 10th, 2006 (wide)
Starring: Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, Abbie Cornish, Kenneth Cranham, Richard Coyle
Directed by: Ridley Scott
Produced by: Lisa Ellzey, Ridley Scott, Julie Payne
French locations were filmed at Bonnieux and Gordes in Vaucluse, Marseille Provence Airport, and the rail station in Avignon. London locations included Albion Riverside in Battersea, Broadgate, the Bluebird Cafe on Kings Road in Chelsea, and Piccadilly Circus.